Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Doubt, Sex Sells

It is no surprise that I love fashion. I look through all the high-end magazines and go on all the latest style sites. When I was researching fashion advertisements, I came across this interesting ad by Dolce & Gabbana.
It seems like this ad is depicting gang rape.
There is one model laying naked on the floor, one model unzipping his pants, and all the other models are staring.
I find this ad very intriguing because it is not a normal ad that I would see on a billboard while driving on the highway. It is definitely edgy and pushing the limits. I am not too sure if this ad was ever released, but either way, I think it is great publicity.
I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as bad publicity, because either way, attention is being drawn from the consumer. It gives them something to talk about.

Dolce & Gabbana does another as giving a spin-off in a female version.

This version depicts gang rape, once again. The female is pinned to the ground by a man while the other men sit and stare. As stated before, I don't think this should be considered 'bad advertising'. These types of issues spark peoples curiosity. Of course the ad is not saying that our society feeds off rape and violence, but our society is interested.
The female ad can also be depicted a different way. It can just depict the act of sex, and as everyone knows, sex sells. The woman is thrusting her hips towards the man, waiting in anticipation. I am sure this ad would entice men and get their attention. Sex is a part of nature. It is normal for people to be curious and become interested. Question of the day:
Did these ads spark curiosity in you?

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