Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Always a Grey Area

When I saw this ad, I had mixed emotions. At first I thought this ad was eye-cathing. Then I thought this ad was very fashion forward. The idea of simplicity then followed and after that I flat out thought of racism.

Now which emotion should I follow? No idea. But I do know that Sony was scrutinized for this ad, which is displayed in Amsterdam. They were accused of being racist because of the African American that is blended in with the background. Then a white woman, dressed in all white, is pulling on his face.

This ad is for the new portable playstation. I am assuming that the first portable playstation was black and now Sony is coming out with white one that might be "better" than the first. Looking at it from that perspective, someone can say racism is involved. But overall, I don't think Sony was really going for the racist idea. Like I said earlier, this ad is displayed in Amsterdam. There is not a large amount of racism present in Europe. I think the company just wanted a sleek and simple billboard that would get the message out. In my opinion, I think they successfully accomplished that.

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